Friday, June 29, 2012

June's Ballerina: Maria Kochetkova

Fact #1- Maria joined San Francisco Ballet as a principal dancer in 2007.

Maria in Les Etudes

Maria Kochetkova and Joan Boada in Possokhov's Raymonda

Maria Kochetkova in Mauro Bigonzetti's "Cinque"
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Davit Karapetyan and Maria kochetkova in Swan Lake
Davit Karapetyan and Maria Kochetkova in Swan Lake.
Photo (c) Erik Tomasson/San Francisco Ballet.

Thursday, June 28, 2012


I don't have much to say about this move. I do know that there is a very exact job that each body part should be doing, though. The foot should be pointed, the knee lifted, the chest up, the standing leg straight, oh, and there is so much more than this that you have to remember while doing an attitude. It can be done in the front (devant) or the back (derriere).

diablo ballet

Quote of the Week

"Ballet is the one form of theater
where nobody speaks a foolish word all evening
nobody on the stage at least."

~ Edwin Denby

June's Ballerina: Maria Kochetkova

Fact #1- Some of her favorite roles are Giselle, Aurora, and Juliet.

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Maria on the cover of Pointe magazine

Maria Kochetkova and Vitor Luiz in Liang's Symphonic Dances.
Maria Kochetkova and Vitor Luiz in Liang's Symphonic Dances. © Erik Tomasson. (Click image for larger version)

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Just a Video

I'm really sorry that I've gotten behind with my posts, but I've had relatives over for the past month.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Saturday, June 16, 2012

June's Ballerina: Maria Kochetkova

Sorry this post is a day late! I've just been pretty busy. I hope you enjoy the post anyway!

Fact #1- She won the solo gold medal in the NBC series Superstars of Dance.
Fact #2- Before she was a principal dancer at San Francisco Ballet, she was an apprentice at the Royal Ballet and a soloist at the English National Ballet.

Maria Kochetkova and Gennadi Nedvigin performing Grand Pas De Deux

Maria as Swanilda in Coppelia

Prix de Lausanne 2002
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Maria Kochetkova as Tatiana and Vitor Luiz as Onegin


A passe is a simple looking step. Unfortunately it is much harder than it looks. You have to be thinking of a million things at once (like all things in ballet). Turn out, pointed toes, and hip down are just a few. Enjoy these beautiful pictures of passe!

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And, of course, a video.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Quote of the Week

This week's quote will be on Monday instead of Sunday. Next week it will be on Sunday again.

"Ballet discipline:
only the true believer would suffer the rigors it demanded."

~ Author Unknown

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Ballet Wishlist

Aren't these so beautiful?

This leotard is very pretty! It is another Mirella one.

I want this so so so so SO much! Unfortunately it is currently unavailable.Isn't is just the coolest thing ever?!?!

June's Ballerina: Maria Kochetkova

Fact #1- Maria is a Principal Dancer with the San Francisco Ballet.
Fact #2- She performs as a guest artist at the Bolshoi Ballet and Stanislavsky Theaters in Moscow, the Mikhailovsky Theater in St. Petersburg, and the Tokyo Ballet in Japan.

Here she is as Princess Florine in The Sleeping Beauty

Maria as Alice at English National Ballet
Photo of me dancing Alice in Wonderland at English National Ballet


Jorma Elo and Maria Kochetkova
Jorma Elo and Maria Kochetkova

Maria Kochetkova and Gennadi Nedvigin in Tomasson's TRIO
San Francisco Ballet TRIO

p.s. Sorry that this post is late.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Grand Battement

I love grand battements! They're fun to do, pretty to look at, and all ballerinas should be able to do them. Here are some cool pictures of grand battements!

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Sunday, June 3, 2012

Quote of the Week

"If it were not for dreams
There would not be such a thing as ballet,
the cruelest of the performing arts."

~ Author Unknown

Friday, June 1, 2012

June's Ballerina: Maria Kochetkova

I'm super excited about June's Ballerina, Maria Kochetkova!

Fact #1- Maria was born in 1984.
Fact #2- She studied ballet at the Bolshoi Ballet School for eight years.

Maria Kochetkova with Nicolas Blanc in Balanchine's Jewels.
Nicolas Blanc and Maria Kochetkova in Balanchine's Jewels. © Erik Tomasson

Maria Kochetkova and Isaac Hernandez in Ratmansky's Russian Seasons.
Maria Kochetkova and Isaac Hernandez in Ratmansky's Russian Seasons. © Erik Tomasson

Maria in Elo's Double Evil

Ballet Wishlist

I think this is a really pretty leotard. I probably wouldn't get it, though, because I have one that is quite similar to this one.
I already have a great rehearsal tutu in white, so now I want one in black!